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WOW! Kamala Shreds Trump

nogod4me 8 Oct 17

Enjoy being online again!

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I wish that the true Republicans realize this.

Unity Level 8 Oct 18, 2024

PA ( my state) is a pretty f'ed up state. I live in a blue portion of a mostly blue county, but I tend to stay on my turf. IDK what will happen a few weeks from now. 😬

At 75 years of age, I feel like I’ve been witnessing the downfall of the American empire. If DJT gets elected, it is certain to occur in my lifetime. If we do not elect a fully Democratic Congress in 2024, it is certain to occur in my lifetime. I used to think that every President of the United States was as good a leader as they were allowed to be, but DJT proved me wrong. He isn’t a leader and he didn’t try to do anything for anyone but wealthy people, and even that only because it benefitted him. Historians already say he was the worst president in all of our history.

@KateOahu He's a criminal through and through. He only ran for president to line his own pockets. Furthermore, he reminds me more and more of Charles Manson every day. He has promised a blood bath, and I have no reason to doubt his intentions. I agree with you 100%, The USA will cease to exist if he gets elected. Even if he doesn't, we will still have his idiot Trumpanzees to contend with indefinitely. If the election is close, he will sue all the way to the Supreme Court. They will crown him king. :'( When I was 20, I thought Nixon was bad, but he wasn't even close to tRump.

@Organist1 The amazing thing about all of it is how many ignorant people favor him.

@KateOahu Cult mentality, as in Nazi Germany. It's heartbreaking.

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