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Brain frreeze! Que Mala skips the Al Smith dinner HISTORIC!

Silver1wun 7 Oct 18

Enjoy being online again!

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You should be glad, as I'm sure Trump was ecstatic, that Kamala Harris did not come. Not even being there she made him look more foolish than the obvious fool that he is.

Now this is genuinely funny and sophisticated:


Trump simply rehashed his grievances, tried to campaign, and then tried to be funny with some lame-ass jokes written for him that he could hardly read or understand. His thinking that stressing people's names or mispronouncing them (like Que Mala) is somehow funny, but only reminds us of the "slow" child on the playground.

The forced laughter from the idiot in the video proves that point. Trying desperately to make Trump look better and to dump accolades on the degenerate, decrepit old man who is struggling just to keep from shitting in his diaper.


Really! Trump reads a joke and that guy gives a laugh so false it could be used in a kung-fu movie. Btw that was back when Trump could actually read out loud.
So Harris did not do a Catholic dinner. And that should piss people off on this site because...? Perhaps it is more telling that Trump will not... Do 60 mins, do another debate, publish his SAT scores, health assessment, tax returns or give a straight fucking answer to any question asked of him!
Oh wait... maybe he has the concept of an answer?

Whether any of that stuff is wholly, partially or not at all true about Trump matters not and is merely a means (poor one at that) of distracting from the fact that the giggling chameleon is as corrupt and incompetent as they get. She is literally doing 'black face' to get votes of those who vote with racial bias. SHE'S A COUNTERFEIT. I don't care about her race, only her corrupt character and I also don't care about Trump and won't be voting for him either. You folks here HAVE to have a Jesus and since Trump doesn't qualify, anyone else will not only do, but will become your Jesus.

@Silver1wun Harris is blackface?? Have you ever seen Trump and Vance's makeup? Btw Harris did send in a video to that dinner which unlike Trump was actually funny.
It is not my fault that America has the world's worst democratic system (it has failed in every nation that has tried to recreate it) But mostly it is the GOP who chose a convicted felon, sex abuser and 6 times bankrupt as their nomination. This should not even be a question let alone a race.
You will not find any blind worship amongst the dems. You need to look toward the "I could shoot someone on 5th Ave" guys for that.

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