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I find it interesting how there is an acknowledgement of white privilege and thus, white supremacy in the West, especially the USA. But it amuses that most fail to connect white privilege to the dominance of the so called "West".
The "West" refers to Western European colonial nations. In other words, white Europeans. These white nations have ruled the world, exploiting the rest to further privilege themselves. This is the basis of white privilege, it has just trickled down to the individual level in these multicultural societies we now have in our Western privileged nations.
So the blow back to individual perceived white privilege is directly related to Westen dominance. They are both in terminal phases. A good example how individual and geopolitical "White privilege" are intertwined may be found below; an African diplomat being berated for being a diplomat by the privileged "West".

puff 8 Oct 19

Enjoy being online again!

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Good on her. In the case of the Ukrainian I suspect that if not Jewish he is like them mysogenist.

Zelenskyy snorts too much coke. He is totally delusional, thinking Ukraine is now an equal of Germany, France and the UK. European nobility. He comments on other world geopolitical issues as his country burns. Ukraine is rather fascist and fascists are not known for being meek. Bully is the word and that's what they tried to do with her.
I really hope the Ukrainian's are patient enough to have an enquiry on why he rejected the Istanbul agreed peace in April 2022. So many have died. I think they may neck him first though, or else he flees in exile once Ukranian field commanders start surrendering because their situations become hopeless.
Winter is coming.


The white race has been the dominant race in influence world power for the last 300 years.
Times are a changin if we are looking at the white myth of democracy. .
North America in no way reflects the racial mix of the world, in which only 16 percent are white. That's about 1.39 billion people out of a total world population of 8.2 billion. And it's predicted that by 2060 only 10 percent of the world will be white.

That's like Zionist 96% white. Makes Gaza lOOK like General CUSTER last stand in disguise. . Cheyenne. The death of Custer and his troops became a rallying point for the United States to increase their efforts to force native peoples onto reservation lands. The greatest genocide in human history. The type of Gaza genocide is where the tide has changed. Now most US whites are living on the reservation. . What happens to Israel next will probably be worse.

I think the two state solution is dead. We will end up with a single strongly secular state ie protect all minorities and this state will be called Palestine. There will still be a Jewish presence but Zionists will be driven from power. The settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem are the problem. Those religious nutjobs won't leave willingly.
Saw a piece where Israeli's are buying up big in Cyprus and this will be the trend ie those Jews rich enough will leave Palestine. Some will stay and many Palestinian refugees from Lebanon and Jordan will return home.


One state would be a giant step for mankind, greater than the moon landing, if that really happened. Splitting up into 2 states sound very complicated.

A non-equal non-democratic one-state solution remains more popular among both populations, supported by 30% of Palestinians and 37% of Israeli Jews. A Palestinian poll conducted in September 2024 revealed that only 10% of respondents supported a single state that would provide equal rights for both Jews and Palestinians. I wouldn't want to really guess this one.

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