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If a believer demands that I ...

snytiger6 9 Oct 20

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That sounds right.


I respect everyone in degrees. If the religious wants me to hand over my entire soul. That is ultimately disrespecting me back. When A person has free will, he can do anything he wants, anyway..

This isn't solely due to religious beliefs as this retarded claims. North Korea is an.atheist country that bans the Bible, and they fucking demand submission to a fat Chinese guy


I'm not given my soul up, it's the only one I got.. If I was born in North Korea. I'd do everything it takes to escape. The beutity of a free and responsible man.

Yes North Korea is an atheist state, although its constitution guarantees free exercise of religion, provided that religious practice does not introduce foreign forces, harm the state, or harm the existing social.
My Religion is nature, so the fat guy won't work..


Then don't force me to follow your government

If you don't like the government, you are free to move elsewhere. Nothing is stopping you.

Personally, I believe the larger the population the more we need a government to keep society safe, peaceful and orderly, which makes our society and community a pleasant place to live in. That is, in the end, what taxes are used for, or at least supposed to be used for.

@snytiger6 just like religion, no matter where you go, there they are

@snytiger6 my objective is so you see the similarities between government and religious cults. Government cults being far more dangerous. Permanently changing a child's gender is cult behavior

Goverments taking care of the small stuff, just not running our lives. Turning boys into girls and girls into boys, physically, i agree. It's where Goverments have no rights of what ever gose into or out of our bodies.

I won't ever force your will communistbitch. And I won't allow demeaning words, to change my mind.

@Castlepaloma yeah but they still want to force vaccines so they don't follow their own rules they made up


The vaccines mandates was the greatest lost economically,, socially and physically in our lifetime for most people. Canada has already mandate the vaccines for travel and government employee's. Don't mind the Goverments employee's taking it, go kill them off first. If they try me again, I'll stick it up their arse. Even most here on called me every thing under the sun, over those lethal injection.

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