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The best kind. 👍

Ryo1 8 Oct 20

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Some find out at that time that their child is intersex. Some find out as their child matures that their child is intersex.

Believers are ignorant and shallow and some are blatantly stupid.

Intersex is an umbrella term for people with sex characteristics that don't fit the typical definitions of male or female. These characteristics can include:
Internal sex organs
Hormone production
Hormone response
Secondary sex traits

Intersex traits can be present at birth, during puberty, or not at all. Intersex people can have any gender identity or sexual orientation. Some people with intersex conditions identify as a man or a woman, while others identify as transgender or non-binary.

Intersex is not a disease, disorder, or condition, and it doesn't require any special treatments or care. However, some people who are intersex choose gender affirmation options.

Intersex people face human rights abuses, including:
Forced medical interventions
Discrimination in education, employment, and other services
Lack of access to justice and remedies

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