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There is no "holy land" ...

snytiger6 9 Oct 20

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No you're wrong, commie jews like me are the chosen people, never mind im an atheist, God chose me thats why im a billionaire and you are a peasant , vote for kamala you stupid peasant

Give the power to the people, don't vote And tax the billionaire for more hard. Create more happiness and less suffering for the rest of us. I choose me first, as the chosen one. Wealthy in love.

@Castlepaloma why does he want to be taxed? He's a commie, right? Doesn't make sense

@Castlepaloma a billionaire retard


According to the bibble this is not so. The Holy Land is where your Christianity came from. The Chosen People were the ones god picked to deliver his message, and as a sign of being the chosen they had to cut off some of their penis. Women did not have to do much coz in those days they did not count.


Nothing is sacred! Made up term to support religious crap.


Good luck peddling that in Islamic countries.

Or just about any place on planet earth.

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