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If Trump wins and Project 2025 becomes the guidance, how many people might flee to Canada or will Trump prevent them? In 4 years afterwards, what would be the likelihood of a new election?

rogerbenham 8 Oct 20

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He stated they would fix it so we will not have to vote again

Unity Level 8 Oct 21, 2024

All very good questions, at 71 Canada would not except me.
With so many in the GOP apparently willing to trash their oaths of office I am concerned there would not be elections if he were to be placed in the WH.

Odd. I know that possibly half of my friends Maleft their home country the USA around 1971.
Masses of back to the land hippies here were once from the States. In 1974 I became a hippie under guidance of an international family of hippies lead by a New Yorker.

He cannot "serve" three terms but he can extend the 2nd indefinitely.

@rogerbenham I am 71 years old, I don't Canada would except me. All those kids back in the 1970 were much younger and so was I.

@silverotter11 Probably true unless you brought a million. In 1970 the world population was less than 4 million and Canada's maybe half of what it is now and not suffering a housing shortage but after 6 months you'd get free medical probably.

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