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Why I predict Trump will be the next president.
If body language is anything to go by, all in Trump's campaign is very comfortable whereas Harris is nervous. So much hubris, Biden/ Harris/ Walz are nowhere to be seen. Instead Kamala makes a video as she's too busy. She recites her vague vision.
So I predict the American voting public will reject Democrat party largely due to their hubris, and assumption that only they can rule.

puff 8 Oct 20

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I sincerely hope there are enough intelligent citizens to elect anyone but him. He was yapping at a political rally in PA about the length of Arnold Palmer's dick. Just the kind of guy you want to hand the nuclear missile codes! It would be hard to even make this shit up, our political system has to be a comedy show to the rest of the world.

That it is and it seems never ending.


I hoping for less voters, for more power for the people.

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