Uodate on the neighbor reroofing his own house since June.
Of course he's still flying the "Elect Jesus 2025" flag.
All the scaffolding he took down about 40 days ago is all Bacccckkkkk.
And our 5++ months Drought is over, supposed to rain Hard for 3 days.
I seriously doubt the "cricket" he made out of tarp on the upside of the chimney is doing much, or the non-useful obviously not-done- right "flashing" along the roof height change either.
Maybe Jeebus/drump will show up and help?
IMO there's not enough roofing cement in the World in this climate to help .......
Are you implying that an idiotic belief in a fictional messiah may be predictive of imbecility in other areas such as planning and execution of practical tasks?
Your neighbor has to be a total nutjob. A lot of those still around. I ran onto video recently from a local church close to me where a man stood up and rattled off his degrees and books written etc., and then went antivaxer to declare that "if you take the jab" you are only going to live another 3 to 5 years at best. I wish I would have been there. I would have stood up right after that man and said "I'm 78 years old now and me and the jab started when I started school. Think on that and let it sink in. I'm still alive."