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If your religion reaches you not to question ...

snytiger6 9 Nov 25

Enjoy being online again!

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They are hiding their lack of answers. It's called blind faith.


I was 7 or 8 when the gig was up. That was the first time I got the old, “When you go to heaven, you can ask God that question….”
I had merely inquired to where God had come from….😇


Lol. And now you Americans have your second religion called politics. Fervently believing the righteousness of your chosen Republican, Democrat or tin hat party anything they declare to be truth is swallowed by you. You are indoctrinated from all sides not to question & so end up with Genocide Joes, Narcissistic Trumps, War criminal Obamas, Nixons et al.


OK. Now think back to not so long ago when a pastor claimed if the bible says 2+2=5 you had better believe it. Yes, I remember that one.

For a retake on the above let's go back to 335 when Constantine wanted a bible that told a story complete from beginning to end. The Council of Nicaea was to clarify doctrine and the Bishops were left to decide which books would be a part of that one big book. With a lot in between this, St. Jerome came up with the first bible complete with the Apocrypha in 400.

Somehow from then to now we have been led to believe that Jesus was happy with this and that he believed in some of the earlier books. Yes, if the bible says that 2+2=5 you had better believe it.

If you tell anyone this and they see why you do not believe in the god of the bible the first thing they might tell you is that you have not tried any of the other religions. Whichever way you go what you will have is books written by man.

Well everyone knows that God uses invisible ink anyhow, so he couldn’t have wrote the Buybull, hellooooo…..😇

if the bible says that 2+2=5 you had better believe it.
Or else you'll be tortured and burned in the town square as a Heretic, to serve as an example to other would be free thinkers.


May even be hiding, nearly everything, from you.


Religions are the longest and most successful scams in human history.

Betty Level 8 Nov 25, 2024

Yeah, that it’s a scam.

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