I've been getting so many money-grubbing ads online about how to cash in on religion it's fucking crazy. The people who make them barely even try to pretend that religion, for them, is anything other than a sweet hustle they've found. I speak as an atheist, but if we're going to celebrate events in the life of Jesus, I'd say the one most worthy of celebration would be the time he overturned the money-changers' tables. Either that or the time he rejected the offer of earthly power.
I am sorry to say, that the copyright on the fictional persona, called Jesus, (AKA, Christ, Son of God, Osiris, Our Lord, Dionysus, etc. ) ran out years ago. So anybody can write new stories if they wish, and sadly some are not very good. ( The original was pretty bad anyway. )
What do you expect. As an ancient correspondent keeps telling me "Isaac 2024 years ago said to Heimi lets create a new religion that will celebrate the birth of a son of god conceived by him raping in good Jewish fashion another man's wife. That way can sell lots more of our gold jewellery each year." And so Xtinsanity was created.
I don't see any events in the life of Jesus to celebrate. If there was a biblical Jesus we have no info on his birth or death. He was born when flocks were in the field and many say Easter, the time of earthly returning new life to everything is what his birth is all about. Later on, his birthday became the same as the Saturnalia which is the "Christ Mass" of today. Why not make that claim? We will gain some new Christians. As for his death, it is attached to a religious festival that has an ever changing date even today regardless of which calendar you use. Imagine going to your loved one's grave site every year with changed dates on the stones. I could go on and one with this one but a Cristian friend of mine used to argue with me that they really do know the dates. He never gave me any true dates because there are none to give. Looks like it is all made up doesn't it.
Getting into Jesus rejecting earthly power is another thing. He really does have a genealogy listed in the bible itself. Yes, Joseph is listed as the father. This is because the first intent was Jesus born as King of the Jews. This would piss off the Romans and the Jews. It's enough to get you nailed up for blasphemy but then there is the problem of why did he die. It was to be an earthly kingdom so why did he die? Big problem here, so along comes Mary with what the ignorant call her "big lie" in order to save her own ass. Little did they know that gods come from virgins in those day and Jesus was not the first. What did happen is some big BS in Mary being pregnant by god that sprouts off into was it three gods or one god. Some say just two gods. That argument plays into things even today and is why we have so many churches. That denominational thing can really keep it all going. I hear there are over 4,000 of them so far.
Whereas you can subscribe to Agnostics.com & be fed Israeli, Jewish & American propaganda together with adverts for Indian real estate whilst knowing that meaningful fact laden posts are being censored.
Religions starts with lying to oneself, then lying to others. Hypocrisy is the one true, universal religion. If the last election showed anything, it was the breadth and length of hypocrisy embraced by Christians. That and the complete and utter lack of morality. They haven't a clue what honor or integrity is.