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I find it absolutely shocking that here in Texas, public schools include prayer at events. Apparently, many Texans think it's no big deal. I grew up in the Midwest and east coast, where prayer wasn't part of school events. Would love to hear your thoughts...

RoadGoddess 7 May 9

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In 2011, then Governor Rick Perry organized the official state Days of Prayer for rain to help end the drought. Six years later, the prayers were answered with Hurricane Harvey flooding Houston. So, no it’s not surprising at all πŸ™‚


Don't move to Texas then.

@RoadGoddess That sucks then. CO Springs is full of religious people.


I hate it. What drives me especially crazy is the hypocrisy. Imagine the reaction if a Muslim wanted to pray in a Texas school.


I know, I know. It has gotten better, believe me. Maybe it is because I live in the most diverse county in Texas.

I keep hoping we will pull our self into the 20th Century.


It's illegal. Freedom from Religion...If you let FFR know about it, they will probably have one of their lawyers write them a letter, etc. It does make a difference.


That would never fly way up north here in KY. I thought there were laws separating church and state?


Graduated from high school in Wichita in '81. We had a prayer before every football game but I refused to bow my head or take part. I am and was pretty big so I really stood out. My grandparents (believers) pointed it out to my mother (kinda halfway a believer) but she never told me to pray or even fake it. Some areas of the country really like their religion and sports mixed together. It's worthwhile fighting it but it's not easy and possibly even dangerous. Peace.


I think it happens wherever it can be gotten away with...Oregon is fairly liberal but we live on the conservative side of the state and our kids go to a small k-12 public school. Prayer before sporting events, religious songs in choir, Christmas programs, etc. It drives me crazy...


I don't like prayer or the National Anthem at school events or sporting events.


I went to Catholic schools in Wisconsin which did not even have prayers said daily in the high school. We started some mornings in grade school with mass. The idea that taxpayers pay for public education where prayer is allowed is purely asinine and violates separation of church and state that is being done away with by the orange menace and his swamp monsters. If they want this in schools then all religions should be allowed prayer and the churches should be taxed to pay for it. Those two things alone would stop this from happening as the religious bigots would never allow either.


I've traveled through all but 4 of the US states and Texas was one of those where my wife and I never felt safe, far too many weirdos and religious kooks. I certainly wouldn't want to live there.


Texas is a big part of the bible belt.


Texas is a very conservative state, as well as, LA, MS, AL, OK, and others. Since these are also heavily populated with conservative Christians, there is no hesitation in having public prayer. I do not find it shocking to hear, annoying, but not shocking.


Come to Nigeria (where ALL schools have prayers). It's so fucking religious and the people are so dumb about it. Yet, they are more dishonest and corrupt than many secular societies. WHat an irony


Should not be required of children. I personally think that’s a form of abuse, but that’s me.


Oh, yeah. My daughter's public school choir performances were in a local church. I don't think they prayed for that, but at pretty much every sporting event. During parent's night, one of her science teacher's used the expression "blessed" about 8 times. It drove me nuts.


I was in Texas for about two hours. It remains the only state I saw someone smoking while pumping gas.


I would walk out and come back after the prayer.. I'd take my kids with me too.. I always tune out during prayers.

me, too


It's pretty sad that we have to tow the line and eat shit, pardon my language, based on the geography of where we are rather than who we are.

Someday all of this Deep South or bible belt ..shove it down your throat crap will only be found in dusty history burning witch's in Salem..or lynchings in Mississippi...


It’s pretty common in the Deep South.


The Trumpster said earlier this week that prayer is the backbone of America, or words to that effect. He had just signed some sort of religious protection act. First if all, he is a hypocrite for even saying such a thing. But beyond that, it scares me how freedom from religion is being buried in America. Evangelicals are at the forefront of a war to bring the entire country under their influence. They believe their authority for this stems from a verse that says, "one day every knee will bow." How would they like it if Islam forced them to get on their knees and bow down to Allah? No doubt, they would quickly seek to ban prayer at events under that circumstance. Those of us who place no faith in prayer, but are offended by it, should raise our fists in defience at public events where prayer is forced into the public arena.


I worked spec ed in southwest mo. they do pray at public school events- sports games, graduations. I think it is very wrong


My thoughts. Umm, Texas.


The South is a different world than the Midwest and East Coast. What was that book "American Nations" by Woodward I think? Fascinating discussion on the different mindsets and outlooks by region.


Often noticed it myself.

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