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Another Trae Crowder post about Trump, the media, conspiracies and more, from about a year ago. Still relevant.

FoundMyNietzsche 6 May 9

Enjoy being online again!

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Never heard of him. Pretty funny


Sorry kids. The guy is a funny personality but to me, his material is vacuous. Two videos and no specific references, citations etc. For all of the lies alleged, there should have been at least a few. Sure would have made it more like a comedy act than a whining session.

All politicians lie. It they don't start out that way, internal party systems force lying to become routine and strategic. If the public was capable of remembering anything that happened a year ago, none of the liars would be reelected. Instead, the most talented bunco artists are resurrected for decades until they are better candidates for the embalmer; most looking like they've already been embalmed.

Trump, the corrupt darling of the Right and even more so the Left and pop media culture, stepped out of line. The same huge ego, bankroll and showmanship for which he was once adored vanished. When they could no longer laugh about his audacity, they whistled past the graveyard. When he succeeded in refashioning himself in a political role, he turned over-night into a "monster" and the barrage never ends. Talk about comedy!

I don't worship him nor any other ballot choice I've ever made; not from the crappy, corrupt minions proffered every four years by the two thoroughly corrupt political parties. Holding one's nose and choosing who seems to be least destructive to what's left of our system is hardly hero worship.

Nannering is for juveniles and anyone vilifying an opposition personality as though they are Devil incarnate while extolling the unquestionable virtues and de facto sainthood of their candidate exemplifies a personality cult sycophant. It matters not whether Left or Right. They remind me of children watching old 'Punch and Judy' puppet shows. It really is unbecoming of mature adults who reject Jesus, Mohamed et al, to exhibit blindly slavish devotion to counterfeit personalities and bankrupt religions/ideologies.

The guy in the video has a funny, 'countryfied' personality and delivery, but when I look into the package it comes across as empty. He wouldn't be any more or less funny if he applied the same 'comedy' with name changes to - take your pick- on the Left. Maybe he should try singing. It worked for Gomer...


Thanks again. Keep'em comin'. ?

@FoundMyNietzsche l certainly hope so. He's smart, funny, and cute. If l was gay l would have a crush on him. ?



Coldo Level 8 May 9, 2018

@FoundMyNietzsche He is some laugh.

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