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Watching the Grammys it's amazing that every single Grammy was won because of god, meanwhile they're trying to raise money for the wild fires that nobody wants to admit was also caused by god

lerlo 8 Feb 2

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Awards should be given out to those who willfully watched the Grammys .
A constitution of iron is nessasary to withstand the absolute BS those out of touch virtue signaling artists try to preach . No one can take them seriously anymore .

Now Beyonces doing a Michael Jackson impression.
Apparently transitioning to a White woman
As well as winning a country music award to boot . Jay Zee is auditioning for sideshow Bob in the Netflix adaptation of the Simpsons.

Lady GAGA had to keep reminding herself that invisibility is only in the movies .
As Will Smiths son felt it timely to remind wild fire victims .
he understood. their plight . But make no mistake.
He had a roof over his head . .


Being brainwashed by religion, and the belief in a god erases, any logic and common sense from even so-called intelligent people.

Which along with believing in the current cult leader is what is truly artificial intelligence


It's become just another obnoxious custom, same as wearing flag lapel pins. Means nothing, just playing along and conforming with what is expected to fit it in with the bandwagon.

Oh, don't you know, if you wear a flag lapel pin you're a patriot.

@lerlo Only to the fools and the ignorant. Anybody with a brain and a conscience, knows they are traitors.


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