I don’t get all this fuss about us being made in the image of some great supernatural being. Any time I look at humans, they always look like monkeys to me….
But religion is all about thinking of yourselves as gods. "I am immortal. I am able to speak to the biggest god. We alone have truth. I am chosen." etc.
We haven't stopped making up god like beings. Star Trek/Wars, MC/DC, etc. Inside these sagas are morality tales that tell of the triumph of good over evil.
"Oh, but we are not dumb enough to ever believe they are true and start worshiping shit like our stupid ancients?"
Ever heard of Scientology?
Where this omnipotent cloud surfer went seriously wrong is ...
OK he /she , they / them..what / if "Was heard saying. " it,feels good to scratch my butt "" whats that stuck on my fingertips ? Oh yeah poo . "
This " Take no other God before me " Command he elaborats .
" I shouldn't have to explain to you sinners that means NO OTHER GOD !!! So India ... " Its a Cow . .yes it eats grass & shits everywhere. You Indians breed so much you burst at the seems , Some may wear gold with everything they could ever want
While others may sleep in 1 room a tiny shack. Alongside 11 brothers & sisters & a grandfather burdened with spontaneous bowel motion attacks.
Now this warmonger , pedophile who calls himself Muhammed.
Those of you who live among the stoney barren hills in the middle east. Next to others who look like you but would slit your throat quick as that .
For example if one of your daughters a 9 yr old girl demands to marry who she loves . Instead of that nice old man from Iraq , who has three goats and a grand hump in his back .
Random women break out in lalalalalalalalalala screams. It's hot in these garage bags we have to wear so hear us roar . But we agree with Father . You must marry that 70 yrl old bore .
Or stones ( we have plenty) will rain down on your skull . Should you dare disobey .. Put away your stuffed bear a Russian soldier once gave to your Mother you're 9 now , not a child
Allah assmallalakum . PBU em ...If he wishes you marry at nine you will .
Just remeber Muhammed PBU
The light the only true sky father who bravely cut the moon in two had a bride of that age . Be honored girl...
So if we hear anyone say Muhammad PBU . resembles a monkey or even draws a picture of the one true god .
See our wrath infidel. Where coming for you .
Not all religions are created equal .
Please don't forget... Free Palestine.
True, all religions are not equal. But they are all most certainly man made bullshit. As with your monkey Muhammad.