"When a man unprincipled in private life, desperate in his fortune, bold in his temper, possessed of considerable talents, having the advantage of military habits—despotic in his ordinary demeanour—known to have scoffed in private at the principles of liberty—when such a man is seen to mount the hobby horse of popularity—to join in the cry of danger to liberty—to take every opportunity of embarrassing the General Government & bringing it under suspicion—to flatter and fall in with all the nonsense of the zealots of the day—It may justly be suspected that his object is to throw things into confusion that he may ride the storm and direct the whirlwind.”
-- Alexander Hamilton, 1792
The founding fathers were so prescient in their thinking! They tried their best to foresee all manner of despotic takeover of our democracy, but there was no way they could know about the internet and Russia owning a candidate for president.
Trumputin could not do more damage to the USA if he was a Russian agent. Which he probably is.
Good quote! Is there any group that needs that that you have missed?
This general page is the only place I have posted it. Actually I am surprised that it stayed up long enough for anyone to comment.
@Flyingsaucesir It was posted on 6 different groups. Maybe it's another feature.
@HippieChick58 Groups or just different categories on the general page?
@Flyingsaucesir It was on General and Hello twice, once each on Health and Happiness, Love and Relationships, Philosophy and Meaning, and Silly and Random.
@HippieChick58 That's right, but what you are seeing is the last of many previous attempts to post the same content that failed. I tried at least half a dozen times before.
@Flyingsaucesir I admire your tenacity.