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I have a cousin and she is a 47 year old widow. Her husband was a bus driver and he was stabbed to death, about 5 years ago by some crazy POS that happened to get on his bus. She has since become very religious, she goes to church 6, sometimes 7 day's a week. She claims that her husband is "Dancing in Heaven with the Angels" and that it was "God's will that he was murdered." Now the last sentence is what gets me, God's will and murder. Is it just me, or is that the most insane fucking logic. I guess if he had Jesus tortured and murderd, whats a bus driver. I know what it's like to hurt and be in pain, trust me I'm still there. She's claiming that god needed him, and needed his help, that's just way over the top. The way I see it, is that she got mixed up with a very bad religious crowd. All religions are bad, but this group sounds really horrible . BTW it's not like she lives in the bible belt, she lives just outside of Los Angeles. I guess that I am just venting, again.

Woodron 7 May 9

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I had a discussion about god/jesus at a temp job that was similar. I felt "brave" because i was temp, and it was an assembly line amidst religocrites who insisted on talkin-jebus all the time. I asked once does god sit and watch catholic priests rape kids. How can that be good. How can he "will" something like that. How can he sit there, and WATCH what pedo-priests do and not intervene. God being all powerful, i mean,
he'd be able to stop it all. What lesson is there to be taught the world by god sitting by and allowing children to be tortured by his church reptesentatives for Pete's sake. I pretended as though i were asking quite innocently. And i said all of that in one breath. All she could say is "you sound like an atheist". I laughed inside. And said "noooooo. I love jesus". I was fuckin with her. 🙂


Her way of dealing with the loss.Sad but probably does her some good.


I’m not a shrink, but it seems to me that your cousin is having trouble getting past the “acceptance” stage of dealing with grief.


Yes, it does sound like she got in with the wrong group. Of course there is no "Right" group, but some are fruitier than others. It must be her way of coping with her loss, trying to understand something that just can't be understood. People die, people clinging to religion are just trying to find a way to deny that fact, for their own comfort.


I think it disturbed her and she needs medical help and this is her way of dealing with something so tragic.


I think she has a strong need to make sense of something totally senseless, and of course here comes religion to provide her with irrational rationalizations. As usual, this results in her not really fully processing and integrating these tragic events, and moving on from them.

In the past god has allegedly called various others home as new "angels" including innocent children whom he also apparently somehow needs to "help" him, despite his omnipotence and nevermind the consequences to broken-hearted parents, etc.


People in a situation like this do whatever they have to to survive the pain. If you are close to her, try to support her whenever you can, but you don't have to listen to stuff that makes you crazy. A simple "I love you; I want to support you; I don't believe the same things you do; How can I help?" discussion might be helpful.

I completely understand, that it's her way of coping with the loss of her husband.

@Woodron It hurts so much. I woke up so many mornings, hoping it was all a dream, and that he was really well. Pain causes you to seek out relief, wherever you can find it. You sound like a compassionate person.


What ??? have they got buses in heaven now and she thinks god needed a new bus driver ?? Ask her ?


Sounds like she wigged out. That's so sad. You could try showing her this video, if you can somehow manage to do that:

The REAL Truth About Religion And Its Origins

Or mention that the same Bible stories and names of Bible characters appear in the Sumerian texts, carved in stone in the walls of Babylon 2000 years before the Bible was written, except from the point of view of aliens who say they genetically engineered humans to work in the mines, by mixing their DNA with that of human apes.

They said they also genetically engineered domestic animals and food plants at the Garden of Aiden.

I like their versions of the Bible stories better, as they are more scientific. I.e., in the story of Noah, a third of the world was flooded when another planet came too close to the earth and caused an underwater ice shelf to break off.

Anu, the Sumerian leader, who is the inspiration for the "Hebrew god" of the Bible, was going to leave the human slaves to drown in the mines, but two of the geneticists helped their favorite human escape drowning by showing him how to make a submarine, and they put animal DNA onboard, not the actual animals.

The origins of human beings according to ancient Sumerian texts []?


If she's happy with the situation, our logic doesn't count. I understand where you're coming from, but she is in charge of her life and outlook. Let it go unless it intrudes on your life.


people will do whatever they can to protect themselvs when the pain is too much


People just find different ways to cope with loss, I suppose. Hers seems to satisfy her need at this point, as delusional as it is.

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