How do you feel about hunting for sport?
Totally against it. I'm for hunting, but only for meat / survival. Harvest what you kill and consume it yourself or don't kill it....which means I'm also against "sport" hunting where the hunter kills the meat but gives the meat away - if you're not personally eating what you kill, then you have no right killing it.
I used to be totally against it, even while buying meat at the grocery store. However, now I am for it if it feeds the hungry, prevents a farmer from losing livestock, or helps eradicate and invasive species. I own a gun, but could never shoot an animal, unless I was putting it out of its misery or to save a life [like my own].
I do not hunt. I am mostly vegan. However, deer have lost their natural predators. Some places they starve to death during lean months. Controlled hunting seems less stress on the deer than starvation, but I may be wrong.
Conservation is different than "sport"