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Which Statement Hurts Most in Relationship?

sassygirl3869 9 May 10

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For me it would be #3. Luckily, I've never had that said to me, or even implied.

@Donotbelieve I'm sorry. I hope you feel better off without them.


They're all pretty hurtful. Either way, it's over, and the ONLY thing to do is move on.


The first 2 are kind of part and parcel of any breakup but the others are just cruel and vindictive. If anyone could say something like that to an intimate partner get the fuck away from them.


The worst one's aren't on this list. The spiteful, 'I hate you!', the loveless drone of 'I'm not happy', or the stab of, 'I gave up on you a long time ago'. All of these are hurtful, of course, and each situation is different, but for me, these are the worst.


It really doesnt matter , they all mean over.. and you have to consider the source...


Him: I think I love you as a friend.
Said exactly six year's into our relationship and two weeks before our wedding.
I didn't see that on the list. Probably because it's to F'ing horrible to even imagine

That is just disgusting I swear. You must be a very strong person. I don't know if I could have handled this. ?

@Alexa thank you. It was very hard to watch my parents take such a financial hit for nothing. They paid for everything and got nothing in return except a hot mess daughter. People even took their shower gifts back which almost broke me emotionally. My strength I owe all to my parents. They were my rock. My sister was a gem as well. We purchased the bridesmaids dresses at a department store to cut cost. His parents did reimburse the bridal party. I, in turn had to give them the bridesmaids dresses. My sister did that on my behalf. Little did I know she cutoff all the tags inside and the price tags as well as made them appear as previously used. Once the money was in hand she handed over the dresses which obviously could not be returned. Juvenile some might say, but at the time I my heart needed to return the sucker punch in a small way.
I did marry. Wore the same dress ai picked for that wedding. For the most part we were happy. We are separated now but remain close friends. The ex? Well he never did marry and joined the Navy on my wedding day.

@Iamkratom Well after all that he seems the looser, not you. People like that don't deserve anything.


None of the above? In my experience, "I think you've done enough." was the one that broke me into the smallest pieces.

@hindsight2020 Yeah. That one would leave a mark for sure.


"I want to be with you"

Followed by abandonment lol

@evestrat Long story lol

  1. The came back positive.

@evestrat keep in mind that's not from personal

@evestrat yeah the rest of those points 1-7 I could shrug off just fine but leave me with an std and I might go postal.


I think 5 would hurt the most. It hasn't personally happened to me but at this point in my life, it would be tough to deal hearing that. Few others just seem a bit childish and vindictive.


Um, all of them?


Gotta be a mixture of 6 or 7, but 7 is worse imo


Tie between 3 and 7.


Number 7.


I never loved you



1 hurts, 3, hurts, 5 hurts, 6 hurts, 7 hurts.


I certainly didn't enjoy it. :-/


Number 5, definitely.


Hell...ive never heard any if those and ive been divorced 2 times. I left 2 girlfriends and one left me. She wasnt ready for a long term relationship... nothing personal.


I'm keeping the dog!


I am so hurt by my loss I can't discuss it.


Oof... Don't even wanna THINK about this! <holding my hands over my eyes while saying"La-la-la-la-la!">

N7EIE Level 6 May 10, 2018

Numbers 6 and 7 are pretty bad, I think.


They're all horrible.....

That poor man. 😟

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