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Just wanted to let you know that you can now selectively turn off alerts on your posts and comments. This is for members who have general alerts turned on for when members comment on your post or reply to a comment but occasionally want to put a specific post or comment "to sleep". You can find this option under "Options" button on the post page.

Admin 9 May 10

Enjoy being online again!

Welcome to the community of good people who base their values on evidence and appreciate civil discourse - the social network you will enjoy.

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Feel free to reply to any comment by clicking the "Reply" button.


Why the heck am I getting welcome messages from different people?

Because if the same person sent you welcome messages that would be creepy.

P.S. Welcome!


Thank You Much for All You Guys Do.


Updated: The toggle will also turn off/on "Likes" alerts for each text (post, comment, reply).

Admin Level 9 May 11, 2018

Messenger’s not working, at least for me. Can’t get the message list, and going back from my last message to it results in me going back to the alerts page. Been trying for a while now.
Also, how about a back button, so that if you go to a page, you can go back to where you were before, precisely.


Nice one thanks 🙂)


For "Food Glorious Food" gro up members :
But please be friendly and do not turn off the welcome to new members posts.
And whilst on the topic I notice that when people do respond to their welcome there are very few acknowledgements of their presence. I call that arrogant and rude - it's like being physically introduced to someone, you hold your hand out to shake theirs in greeting and they simply turn their back on you. Very disappointing!






Do we still have to be notified for every like too?

Ah good idea. I’ll include that tomorrow!

@Admin Thanks. It's quite annoying to get 60 like notis.

Great idea!!

@ScienceBiker It doesn't work. I told you that.

@ScienceBiker, @Sarahroo29 The screen shot is for "all" alerts for likes. The new toggle is on each post or comment or reply. Fine grain.


Sounds good, much thanks to you Admin dude.


super dandy!


Thank you. ♥


Awwww.... puppies!


Aw puppies!

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