Now that I've created my WordPress, I'm wondering if I need to start using other social media platforms to promote my work. They're just so foreign to me.
I have a Facebook, where I spend most of my time. I have a Twitter which was mandatory for a college class five years ago. I've never used it.
I've never really been a fan of Snapchat, Instagram or Pinterest because they're just as self-centered "look at me" as Twitter. I have a LinkedIn but, again, don't use it, except to confirm friend requests. Since I use Google/Gmail, I automatically have Google+ but what does it do? Haven't had a MySpace since the early 2000's. I have a Quora, which someone here told me to open after I posted one of my poems but I've yet to see any redeeming value.
But, what are these other social media platforms- Reddit and Tumblr and stuff like that.
There are 17 social media platforms listed in Wikipedia. WTF??
If you are trying to get better ranking on the internet , you can link your social media accounts to your website
What type of work are you promoting?
The current website is just a blog about mental and physical illness. But, the one they are going to for would be to promote my work as an editor.