5 14

I agree....

BeeHappy 9 May 11

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The religious would think of us upon reading this. Yet, they still bring no credible evidence of their object(s) of worship. The epitomization of "alternate facts," religion.


The realproblem is in getting them to actually listen.


It does make you feel somewhat detached from a majority of people in the world that you can't fully and completely engage with..
It leads to one feeling apathetic towards people and politics because their belief systems are based on a fundamentally different foundation.

We are all singing from the same hymn sheets together, but our hymn sheets are blank..and our voices which are the purist are never heard.

Nicely put!

@BeeHappy why thank you!

@Hitchens, you're welcome dear!


As per photo

Love it! Thanks!

@BeeHappy The more who read it the faster the enlightenment.

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