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Hi im new here :3 what are your favorite books and movies and why

MorganneLove 3 May 12

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Favorite books, Brave New World and Island by Aldous Huxely, Prey by Michael Crichton, Illustrated Man by Ray Bradbury, and Catch 22 by Joseph Heller is definatley the funniest book ive com across


I'm embarrassed to admit that I haven't read as much as I should, but if I had to choose from those I have read I'd probably lean more towards the classics like The Great Gatsby, which I'm finally getting around to reading myself.


Welcome, Morganne. (:: I'm new as well.
I mostly research information on my spare time and read peer-reviewed journals. But I've started to read recently and my current favorite book is Mastery by Robert Greene b/c it's not only specific in becoming the better version of yourself, but also a reminder, confirmation, and reinforcement. The author also gives examples based on true stories and promotes self-motivation.
My all-time favorite movie is The Dark Knight b/c it is unlike any other 'hero vs villain' plot. Example: The Joker. He isn't very powerful in the same sense as other villains, where they have armies/ minions and an empire. But he's so clever, that he stays steps ahead of Batman and does it on the fly, w/ little or no planning. The characters and storyline were just so believable, I forgot I was watching a movie at times.Heath Ledger did an amazing job and overshadowed Christian Bale. Even though he also did great.


Books: Lord of the rings. Tao Te Ching. Way of the Wolf. (by the Wolf of Wall Street Jordan Belfort.

Music: Pavlovs Dog, Joe Cocker. Erhu music (for relaxing)



Donnie Darko is one of my favorite films because it was such a mind bender and I like movies with twist.

Anything written by Chuck Palahniuk is alright with me


One flew over the cuckoos nest' because it is a fight back against teh establishment

Alice in Wonderland - as it was the book i learned to read with, and still love its quirkiness.


As for movies...

"Harvey." It's an old black & white film starring James Stewart. His best friend is a 6-foot tall invisible rabbit. Everyone thinks he's crazy, but somehow, things seem to work out for him in mysterious ways.

"O Brother, Where Art Thou." The Coen brothers always make good movies, and I think this one is their best.

"Life of Brian." One of the best commentaries/spoofs on religion ever made. Monty Python at their most sacreligious.

I loved Harvey!


Do entire trilogies count as books? If not, I'll just name the first books in those trilogies.

"The Three Body Problem" by Liu Cixin. This is the first book in a trilogy. It's the most mind-blowing sci-fi I've ever read. The combination of physics, long-term strategy, hidden agendas, politics, and imagination are pretty overwhelming.

"The Hobbit" by JRR Tolkien. Always loved it. I've read this book more than any other.

"The Hitch-Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy" by Douglas Adams. Clever, witty, hilarious, and still gives the reader a lot to consider.


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