With 2 trillion galaxies in the KNOWN universe, just how many Gods would that make out there? We have around 5,700 religions on our planet alone. That's has the potential for billions and billions and billions of Gods? So some church in Utah wants to deny potential health care to children and others? Its enough to make you sick and that is exactly what they are potentially doing. Religion is without question the stupidest idea ever invented by men. I guess the invisible man in the sky is monitoring my key strokes right now and taking notes? I better start grovelling on my hands and knee's this minute!
You're going to hurt your brain.
You've certainly hurt mine.
Funny lol...
Spoken like an Anti-Theist rather than an atheist. if you are a liberal then let people be. If you try to impose your point of view the you are as bad as the middle ages church.
Of course. Health care is of this world only and if you deny it people might be gathering as spirits for that other world more quickly and we will be filling up this vast universe with our family of spirit beings. Oh, praise whatever his name is!
It makes perfect sense to me unless you just want to start shooting people. The NRA likes that last one.