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And this is the case with all religions. How we can prevent this atrocity?


Enjoy being online again!

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Noam Chomsky Says Christians and Republicans Are the Real Threats to the World


While I deeply respect Chomsky's knowledge....he is mistaken about the republicans.

@DUCHESSA and how is he mistaken from your perspective...because from mine he is spot on...

@Dawgismygawd Because to make a general statement about a group of people is wrong and prejudicial.

@DUCHESSA anyone following and supporting the current Republican agenda is foolish and dangerous and if you think that is be it.

@Dawgismygawd To be a Republican doesn't mean to support the present agenda...totally / partially....but those who do so deserve the same respect as the others. Of course, you seems to be of the opinion that only your way of thinking is valid. SO LONG.

@DUCHESSA you have your opinion and I have mine...that is what makes us great.

@Dawgismygawd And that's the point I base my comment on; I am glad you got it now.


It is a difficulty I am struggling with right point in talking about it though. ☹


Do you think our school system will -again- face the ignominy of teaching religion?


Castrate the clergy as a pre requsite to becoming a minister.


In the words of the philosophers Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young: "Teach your children well."

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