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The different time theories are the hardest to discuss like loop theory, branch theory etc., the stuff hurts the brain.

Caseyfritz 4 May 12

Enjoy being online again!

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In my simple mind, time does not really exist. It's a man-made measurement to record movement. Without movement, there would be no time.

I know, probably sounds a bit silly to a trained head.

None of us are trained enough lol


I’ll either wait until PBS (here in the USA) puts together a layman’s version … or watch one Youtube video after another attempting to describe such phenomena or concepts ...and still remain confused 😕 To me, if there are ..Gods among us - they are Theoretical Physicists 🙂 My heros, whether I can follow them or not ~

Varn Level 8 May 12, 2018

Either that or just things smarter than our brains can comprehend making even the dumbest of us understand.


Time is an illusion, go with the flow.

cava Level 7 May 12, 2018

Linear time is, not 4th dimensional time

@Caseyfritz Linear time requires an ego or there is no flow


Well if we ever get a time machine, we can go back and not think about it.

Haha unfortunately not in loop theory

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