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New here about 30 min This site.. Just moved here from retirement in Thailand. Grew up and lived in Omaha.Ne. Moved here to Hot Springs Village for decent Winters and yet still be sorta close to Omaha for visits. Only a big bummer is this is bible belt. Bit lonely so trying this site.

richard62 4 May 12

Enjoy being online again!

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Tell me about it. #biblebelt


I live in Songkhla, Thailand, an hour from the Malaysia border, and six minutes from the beach by motorbike.

Why did you leave a paradise like Thailand?

Got tired of the bar girls BS. LOL I'm getting older and The US has better medical and my insurance pays much better in the states. Missed family and friends. I am pretty healthy and finance ok here.

@richard62 Oh, you were in Bangkok? No wonder you didn't like it, and with bar girls, LOL! But I love it here..six minutes from the beach, teaching ESL at little beachside temple schools, etc. I have to leave now due to health issues, but it's a paradise.

Pic is me swimming at Samila Beach, near my house. I'm living an hour from Malaysia. There are few foreigners here..just the way I love it! I speak Thai, so no problem.

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