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Going to bed with Kurt Vonnegut again.....lucky me❤?

annedoneal 6 May 12

Enjoy being online again!

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I hope he is worth it.


We had a man who was a professor at Ohio University who was on the bench two places away from Vonnegut during the bombing in Dresden. He said the book was mostly correct factually. Everytime I was in a room with him at a meeting for various things, (I am on several boards and a service club) I would almost be in awe that I was around someone who had experienced that. When I would mention after a meeting to someone else, "wow, did you know that Mr. Doxsee was with Kurt Vonnegut and lived much of what is in Slaughterhouse Five,?" I would be met with mostly what book iss that?, or what was the bombing of Dresden, or answers even worse.

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