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Called my mom today to wish her a happy mother's day. We don't speak much, but she's still my mom. I always get anxiety when I call the house and the line starts ringing, for one particular reason. My father passed 4 years ago. She never erased his greeting from the answering machine. I have my regrets over the relationship he and I had in the years before his death, and it still bothers me when the machine picks up and I hear his voice. Not sure there's a point to this whole post but I just needed a place to vent.

msar0414 6 May 13

Enjoy being online again!

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If my mother was still alive I would not her on mothers day. The pain and suffering she put me threw is still with me. Seems like you mother was not there for you either when you needed someone in your court.

Yeah all I have for family is my mom and my younger sister, and I really have no use for either of them.
Sidenote: they are my adoptive family. I was adopted by them at 4 months old. A little over 3 years ago, almost by accident, I was able to track down my birth family. Both my parents passed, but I got 3 amazing siblings out of it who were thrilled to hear from me.

@msar0414 Sorry and not sorry. Happy that you found your other family.

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