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Facing reality..

Humanlove 7 May 13

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There can be no wealth without poverty.
Things are relative, so if we consider the cause of poverty?


@0752532706 Some people need to accept less in order that others can have some fairness. Inequality was the cause of collapse of many societies.


Poverty is a form of control.

Coldo Level 8 May 14, 2018

Peter Joseph, creator of Zeitgeist, has numerous lectures on systematic poverty. His public health approach is a valuable contribution to the discussion.


Poverty is manmade.

So is our infrastructure, but that doesn't mean that we agree on what should be done to fix all the problems that exist. How do you suggest that we fix the problem of poverty?

@citronella You really want me to tell you?

@Amisja Yes please, if you can do so in a way that does not blame the poor for their situation. Otherwise, no thank you.

@citronella I'm a socialist. I believe in a merit society, everyone deserves a basic standard of living. Tax the super rich and distribute wealth fairly. Make the focus of society personal achievement and growth...not wealth

@Amisja I basically agree with all your ideas. However, there are many people who still cling to the idea that if you are talented, smart, hardworking, whatever, you can become rich, so if you DON'T do that, it must be your fault. Plus race and social class, gender all play a role as well.

@citronella Yeah there in lies the problem.


Well, from the first rich on earth been immoral so... it is a system for a reason.

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