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Which Star Trek series is your favorite?

omalita 5 May 13

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TNG! And DS9, Voyager.


TOS, and then Enterprise (I know...but I liked it!)


The return of the jedi


Haha, yes, far better than any Star Trek series!


DS9 hands down..The rest were of course good in their own way...Except for "Enterprise"...They did to Star Trek what Justin Bieber did to music.


Next gen


The Next Generation


I have just finished the Original and next generation. I’ve watched about half of episode 1 of ds9. Then there’s voyager and enterprise, and idk maybe more. But so far, come on, Shat’s the man, however, Picard is the better officer.


TNG is my fave - I like all of them - never really got with DS9


I grew up with Star Trek the next generation. I have been re-watching it lately and I have to admit, There is still a reason that Jean-Luc Picard is my favorite captain. He is a more cerebral captain that usually weighs things very carefully. Star trek First Contact is still the best Star Trek ever got and you get to see Picard go completely Ahab on the borg! TNG Gets my vote for favorite Star Trek but as a contender I will cheat and list The Orville.


Without a doubt, the original. That series even turned me into a temporary trekky. Lol


The original. My step mother, Betty, was a huge Star Trek fan. In fact she belonged to one of the Star Trek groups in Florida. She worked her way up to becoming admiral of their ship The SS Haven. When she died she was buried in her uniform with taser in one hand and responder in the other. It was a strange funeral.



Cheri Level 5 May 14, 2018

TNG easily.


Next Generation is my favorite, definitely!


gotta be TNG and TOS


Sci-fi reflects our hopes and aspirations more than the actual future. The original series was so optimistic and idealist. Money did not play a part. Politics was for other worlds. Even the cold war reflection of the Kingons was moving towards peace. With later series reality crept in. Just as it did in the 70`s


TOS and TNG. TOS helped plant the seeds of making me a humanist / agnostic long ago while watching TOS reruns after school in the 70s

Ohub Level 7 May 14, 2018

Deep Space Nine

Star Trek reached its peak with this series. The exceptional writing, character development, social commentary and occasional humor which showed up only sporadically in TOS and Next Generation were present consistently in this show. There were very few throw away episodes of DS9.


Deep Space 9, because it was more morally and ethically complex than any other ST series and more realistic as a result. Better, more complicated cast of characters, too, with a powerful story arc.


I have to give props to where it began. The ground breakers deserve credit.


The original.


TNG is my favorite, but I really liked Deep Space Nine.


i like the original one.



Coldo Level 8 May 14, 2018

The original.

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