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The increase in poverty and homelessness.

I went to breakfast with a friend of mine yesterday and there was some construction on my route. I got diverted right past our local homeless shelter and there were so many people milling around there! It looked like a music festival oddly enough. I was tempted to stop and photograph them but it felt like an intrusion and kind of exploitative.

At work some vacationer mentioned that California looked like a 3rd world country, with tent cities and homeless folk everywhere.

What has happened to this country? We have massive economic inequality. No shortage of homes but no one can afford them. Something like 40% of the workforce on government assistance because their full time jobs don't pay them enough to live. How did we let it get this bad and why aren't we doing anything to fix it?

I wish I were a smarter person and had the perfect answer but fortunately I do KNOW some smarter people. So what are your thoughts on this crisis and what we can do?

OpposingOpposum 9 May 14

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You are smart.

Our culture deliberately avoids talking about these issues because it's tightly controlled by the mainstream media which is owned by the ruling class. That's why they own the media and it's why American tent cities remain invisible.

This is neoliberalism - capitalism with gloves off.

Homelessness and unemployment are deliberately cultivated by governments to keep inflation low, to act as a visible deterrent against strikes and higher wages and to maximise profits for the ruling class.

The poverty and homelessness is actually there for a reason - to scare the shit out of everyone who's working so they don't complain. The end result is cheaper labour, higher profits.

'The Reserve Army Of Labour' (Marx/Engels) is something everyone should know about. Our politicians never admit to it. The closest it came to being acknowledged was when Margaret Thatcher euphemistically referred to it as 'natural unemployment'.


When you have government entitlements at the level we do...and tax breaks for creating more and more and more and more people.....and jobs going oversees.....and crappy public education....and bloated government.....and corrupt officials at ALL's not a matter of "why"'s simply the result of a broken civilization.


Here in South Africa, it is just as bad. For 12 years I was helping the homeless, soup kitchens, clothing handouts, etc. but now that I am old, I find I will soon be joining them on the streets, in doorways, under trees, behind rocks. The reason is that the government has closed all the subsidised old age homes and the private accomodation is far too expensive for most of us. We have good people here, once responsible, economically active persons that have nowhere to go, no one to care..............


From outside looking in (I.e. from Canada) but no expert.
Pass anti-corruption laws: []
Tax the rich: the best years of the USA where when the rich were paying higher taxes that the middle class.
All full-time/permanent jobs should be paid a living wage.
Vote more women in office

Yes to all plus scientists in office.

@Blindbird That would've been selfish of me to state that ... lol

@Lukian not at all. We need GOOD minds in office.


Its simple, if you make wealthy people wealthier, they are not going to pass the wealth down the chain lol. they will instead invest on the stock market. So tax break for the rich don't do shit for the ones who actually needed it.


I've always tried to avoid radicalism and political extremes, but I'm coming to believe that the views we've been led to believe are extreme and against American values are the only logical solution.

They, and they are the politicians of both major parties who are in office, have used lies and scare tactics to keep the status quo and to dissuade the people from embracing our best hope for a fair and just society.

JimG Level 8 May 14, 2018

So many lies. Starting to feel like literally everything we've been taught is lies.

@Blindbird layer upon layer of lies to cover up previous lies.

@Blindbird Everything about economics since Reagan adopted the Chicago School crap. Not for nothing was it called voodoo economics at the time.
You (as do we) have a problem in that both sides of politics buy into it.
Bernie Sanders may be your way out, IBFIIK what ours is.

@Blindbird have you read anything by James Loewen?

@JimG can't say as I have

@Blindbird His work is enlightening. I really like Lies My Teacher Told Me.


We live in a broken system and we are all slaves to it. Last week while eating lunch at a pizza place they had on some news channel covering votes by our lovely and ever-so rational representatives. You could literally tell which party proposed each item they were voting on by how the votes tallied. I saw at least a half dozen results where no more than 6 people ever went against their party with 3 or 4 consensus votes. I wasn't surprised, but it does re-confirm my reason for never having participated in the process. The system works like two sports teams playing against each other on separate fields.


This doesn't answer your question, exactly, but it's how I feel, often,...

& this...

I thought I had fought my wars on the streets in the '60's & '70's, that job was never finished! I really don't want to, I'm getting too dang old, but it may come down to much more than any elections. Too much money involved & we don't count. Just may have to take it to the streets, again! This time for real!!!


More are interested pointing fingers at one another. Dehumanizing those who dare have a different opinion has become the status quo.

The homeless have no lobby to exploit. Look at the disenfranchise and destitute veteran population. There’s this blind loyalty to veterans, but nothing on both sides can effectively help them.

Homeless veterans and substandard healthcare, especially at the mental level.

Never mind the sorry excuse of mental health in our country, but all these politicians do is sell a blank check of promises that NEVER delivers.

Your priorities go to the highest bidder and the homeless will never get anywhere near of the front of the line because there’s virtually no lobby for them. Certainly nothing that could ever compete against the likes of the NRA, the major pharmaceutical or petroleum companies.


As a few have pointed out already, the lawmakers are too beholden to the wealthy and corporations for any needed changes to be enacted into law. How do we fix this problem? How do we get rid of the quid pro quo system?

I think the only way to fix this is to make all campaign contributions blind. If the two dominant parties and all these politicians don't know where the money is coming from, it seems to me they would be less eager to the bidding of the wealthy and corporations. Presumably, it would change their mindset toward the good of the people and society.

@WizardBill There would be no way to confirm a blind contribution. As far as public funding goes, I'm not opposed to the idea, but who or what decides who gets funding?


Global economics,the killing of unions,the money being paid to executives and stock holders are all having an affect on wages.Trump will kill aid to work force in this budget. He must do something to afford the tax cut. Have you ever heard of cutting revenue when you have a deficit.


I think a complete overhaul of how we live and reproduce across the world is a must.

Two children per couple is perfectly reasonable for US citizens. We should be there now.

@hemingwaykittenI actually think 1 child per couple for two generations over the whole planet and put some effort into spreading education and wealth and live as one. not that it's going to happen.

@WizardBill china did it wrong though as I said, it's not going to happen.


The single most important thing to do is re-regulate the banking system. The US was saved when the Glass-Steagall Act, passed in 1933 during the Depression, finally separated investment banks from the money pies of ordinary savings and service banks. We had a stable economy for nearly 70 years.

Congress repealed Glass-Steagall in 1999 when the good times were rolling under Clinton, for the benefit of corporate interests. Eventually they replaced it with the much weaker Dodd-Frank legislation. Then Cheeto came along and further weakened bank regulation on what funds investment banks could take from the honey pots of their subsidiary savings banks. Now banks are back to selling mystery investments financed by mom and pop's savings. They weren't punished AT ALL, so why wouldn't they be gambling with our future again?

History confirms that the US went through the same boom/bust/boom cycles from our founding until the Depression wiped us out in 1929, finally leading to the tight controls of Glass-Steagall.

We very narrowly avoided another Great Depression under Obama, who took action and pumped cash into the system. We still haven't recovered, as you saw on the street. I'm voting for Bernie Sanders again. He seems to be the only candidate who doesn't believe greed is a virtue.

We need all the regulations back as they are the regs that protect the workers and the rest of the 95% in all area but cost the wealthy a few precious bucks.

@WizardBill we had the regs before trumpie and we did not have massive inflation.


For 66 years inflation went up and down, but never took us out for a whupping like the Great Depression did. People believe this kind of stuff because it is what corporate American tells them will happen. Kind of like another lie, "Unions are bad."



I understand that, thanks.


why? imo.....the rich have continued to scrape more and more money off the pile and buying the laws that allow them to do so.


I totally agree with @nottheonlyone the pandering to corporations that our congress does is reprehensible. I honestly believe it is a war on the middle class so that ultimately the country will become the rich and their serfs. Not only are houses becoming unaffordable, so have rents. I live in a small city and a 500 square ft apartment costs $1,000/month. There is no big industry or plethora of jobs.

It's a tricky thing with Congress. Advertising blitzes really do change people's minds. Taking one step back, that means that money changes people's minds. All members of Congress are required to raise a certain amount of money, and the weight they pull is directly corrected with their fundraising skills. Put this all together, and it means that Congress people essentially have no choice but to pander to wealthy donors. If they don't, the lower and middle classes will not elect them.
What we really need is a comprehensive campaign finance reform that somehow doesn't violate the first amendment, yet levels the playing field so that every candidate is allowed the same amount of resources

@CraeftSmith great idea. I have also thought that lobbying needs to be cut way back.

@AmelieMatisse true, but most of what lobbyists offer is campaign funding. If the candidates don't need outside money to get elected, K Street lobbying would become pointless.

@CraeftSmith another good point!

@AmelieMatisse this comment brought to you by Americans for CraeftSmith.

@CraeftSmith you have my vote. I might even be willing to make phone calls for you. LOL

@AmelieMatisse Just add term limits to the Congress and to the supreme court and we would be much better off.It would also help of we regulated tsome of the benefite Congress enjoys like insider trading of the stock market, the best health benefit package. We should make the law what ever they pass for themselves goes to the public also.It woould be amazing how things would change for the better.

@Marine yes totally agree!! I am on my way to the preliminaries in PA. Have to vote for someone who will defeat Rep Scott Perry in Nov


Look at how the UK runs elections. It's much more sensible. Campaigns are SHORT. None of this raising money for the next term as soon as you're elected. One of the main reasons campaigns in the US are expensive is they last two years! Restrict the declaration of running for office until six months (or less) prior to the vote. Then the working person has a chance to get elected.

Another thing the Founding Fathers forgot that we need desperately: RECALL of incompetent representatives. A politician screws over the UK, they dump them. None of this drawn out impeachment bullshit. Impeachment is not a tool citizens can use. It's a political maneuver that Congress can invoke only if it CHOOSES to do so. Witness the Republican's silence on impeaching Cheeto, whose lie count is up in the stratosphere right now. Recall power would throw a desert of sand on the Trumpster fire. Behavior would be held to account.

@hemingwaykitten I will look up how the UK runs elections. Thanks for the tip!


We need to vote in people who have compassion and want to try to fix the problems of inequality. It's too big a problem for individuals, except for being generous and trying to help when and where you can.

What happened to Bernie Saunders? I no next to nothing about American politics but he seemed to be the one to make proper changes.


He's on the road having rallies whenever he's not in Washington working. These are on streaming broadcast and always have an enthusiastic turnout in person and online. There are multiple FaceBook sites, one I like is Over 50 for Bernie Sanders. Bernie also makes appearances on US interview and news shows of every sort.

He's declared to run in 2020. Bernie's relentless!


No one on my radar has mentioned "Communism". That's kind of a joke.

Having a more stable social democracy, however, is eminently doable. We have multiple good role models in Canada, Great Britain, and Scandinavia.

I don't know if the US can ever be as civil as Japanese society, but Canada looks good, doesn't it?


The Whole World Is Goin To Shit! As Long As It's People Put Up With It,The Longer It Will Continue.

Coldo Level 8 May 14, 2018

Raise the minimum wage to a liveable amount. Change the corporate tax laws, making all R&D tax deductible, and tax the fuck out of pure profit. Sprinkle pixie dust on the 1% that will make them truly able to see what they are doing to the rest of us.

Also rent control nation wide and a social safety net that actually keeps people out of poverty.


All of this is in Bernie Sanders' platform.

@hemingwaykitten. Don't I know it.

@hemingwaykitten Even the pixie dust?

@Nottheonlyone especially the pixie dust 😉

Pixie dust is essential! We're electing a Jewish Social Democrat here. ?

@Blindbird rent control has some downsides. The one I am most familiar with is that it no just disincentives the landlord to take care of the property, it can create a situation were the landlord literally cannot afford to take care of the property.

If wages were liveable, rent control would be unnecessary, with the exception of elderly housing, which I think ought to be subsidized anyway.

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