Do you think agnostics lack confidence in general by not making a decision?
Hardly, I think agnostics on average are more confident. They are confident enough to be honest about their knowledge of whether a god exists, where a lot of people claim to "know" when there is absolutely no evidence. It has nothing to do with a decision. You can't decide to know something. You either know it or you don't. Even though I don't know positively there is no god, I haven't been shown enough evidence to believe there is.
If there is no evidence for a god then why remain undecided? Thank you for your reply
Not at all. If God is described as unknowable and undetectable, Then I can not claim to "know" what I by definition can not know. Theist often do claim to know in this case what they can not know. By this definition agnosticism is simply honest.
On this basis you are open to offers on tinkerbell being real?
@jimi123 I want to know what people believe in and what they mean by the terms they use so that I understand their position. If they do believe in tinkerbell It is good to communicate on that understanding whether I believe in it or not. So yes if that is what is believed to be true. Now we can have a converstaion about if it is reasonalbe to believe that tinker bell is real! I will try to keep the chuckels to myself.
No, rather it takes self-confidence to admit you don't know things that others pretend to know.
No. I cannot prove there is a god and I cannot prove there is not a god. So say one way or the other would be a belief. I am not a believer. I just don't know. Somethings we will never know. To substitute a belief is not the answer. It simply is unknown.