Trump shuts-down carbon monitoring program. How do they do this stuff in plain sight... and get away with it? []
Show of hands, please. How many of the appalled people here are doing anything about climate change? I say this a lot, but I can say it again. Any of the 30 million people who live in or near an EPA danger or warning zone and live within seven miles of work can save $40,000 over 10 years and provide $10,000 of benefit split between climate, pollution, and personal health, just by riding a bike to work. Remember, Dick Cheney said that conservation is a "personal virtue."
I am just appalled at this idiotic, suicidal, blind group of people. I don't have a solution, ... I am so terribly worried and angry and ...
Over the past two decades the right wing has crushed good education with BS. Such as Texas having McGraw Hill rewrite all textbooks for texas schools calling slavery an immigration problem. When we drill it into the gullible minds of the crowd that refuses to read, you get massive idiocy running wild in the nation. FAke news begins to be real to these uneducated morons. I say morons because they refuse to accept real facts. We now have a president who is a complete asshole, being admired by the alt right people, NOw go figure their level of stupidity.
I don't know but impeachment in November sounds good.
Not so sure Pence is a better deal.
I do not want him impeached as we would then get Mike Pence and jesus. We want a full indictment on the administration , the fraud that was present during the elections is high,
WE need to return to America, the USA as we know it, a democracy and socialist.