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Just putting this out there...I will NOT be watching the apparent upcoming royal wedding! (Edited to correct my momentary lapse in grammar)

Amisja 8 May 15

Enjoy being online again!

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I won't either. I do have great respect for this new crop of Royals though. Both of Dianna's sons are men of moral fiber and bravely went to war. Both show great love for Britain and the people. Their father seems decent also. Queen Elizebeth was a driver during the war and showed her mettle. That being said I could give a rats arse about their wedding.

Nah they are not.

I'll agree that William and Harry are - based on what little we lumpen proles really know of them - possibly not awful people. Their father, meanwhile, is an arse.


Does that mean you’re watching it?

Nope...I had a rare moment of grammatical wobbling. Its the horror of the idea 😉

@Amisja It's OK. We all knew you weren't not watching, nohow, noways!"


Didn't we fight a war to get away from this shit?


Lets face it, most weddings are pretty boring. Especially an expensive and drawn out affair like a royal wedding.


Hell no. I’d rather stick blunt, red hot knitting needles through my eyes!


What weeding ??

Tilia Level 7 May 16, 2018

Not sure anyone who doesn't personally know them would, besides British people...

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