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Assholes need Spell Check.

So, there's a candidate for Governor of Georgia, who is touting his "Deportation Bus", and his support for 45.
The thing is, the bus would have benefited from someone using Spell Check. Michael Williams is flying the false-flag of the "immigration problem". He might do better supporting Education.

KKGator 9 May 16

Enjoy being online again!

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Anybody with a brain can tell you illegal aliens for the most part are the most law abiding people there are. Because the slightist run in with the law can send them back to where they came from. Why would a criminal come to this country and rist jail and deportation when they can stay where they are and get away with it.


Saw this on TYT..... couldn't stop rolling my eyes


I guess I can’t spell

"Molesters" is spelled incorrectly.

@SACatWalker I understand your point. I catch many spelling and grammatical errors, and sometimes, it's all I can do to not make an issue of them. Sometimes, I make mistakes, too. I often go back and edit my posts when I catch them after hitting the "enter" key. It's hard not being a spelling/grammar nazi around here. Especially when I'm having a disagreement with someone who cares more about being 'right' than being 'correct'.



Indeed, he is. I message him fairly regularly on Facebook, to let him know I don't like him, or anything he stands for. I also let him know I will actively be encouraging everyone I know to vote against him. I'm guessing I'm not his favorite person. LOL

@KKGator Jerks like that don't care if people criticize them. Think of Trump. He complains and blames and attacks, but doesn't change.

@birdingnut I do not disagree. I doubt it will make any difference to him at all. However, I don't believe that means I should stop communicating my displeasure. Even if my voice is the only one telling him I think he's wrong, he still needs to know.

@KKGator For sure.

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