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Men and women are NOT equal.

Women are superior in nearly every way.
The crazy part is I will get more negative response from women than men about these statements.

The approach to "equalize" numbers of women and men in professions/jobs is based upon the concept that there should be equal representation of both sexes, because men and women are equal. Circular reasoning at its best.

This approach to equality is based in ignorance. The facts show us more reality. In western societies there are greater gaps because women have more freedom to choose what types of work they want to do. Does this mean that historically women have been discouraged from entering some fields of study and work? No. It means that men and women are different.

One reference is this presentation by Stephen Pinker, but there are many more.

"Whenever women have insisted on absolute equality with men, they have invariably wound up on the dirty end of the stick. What they are and what they can do makes them superior to men, and their proper tactic is to demand special privileges, all the traffic will bear. They should never settle merely for equality. For women, “equality” is a disaster. "
Robert Heinlein

JacarC 8 May 16

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what is false?


This is not negative::::: Allan Pease - Why men don't listen and women can't read maps:



There is a lot I do agree with in the video and some of the points you've made, but I have to highlight one piece that doesn't sit well with me.

Frankly I can't stand this "women are superior" mentality. Any man who openly subscribes to this narrative is either pandering to women via some ulterior motivation (e.g. stating what he believes women want to hear in hopes of winning favor) or has allowed himself to become socially programmed away from his biological imperative. Whatever the case, it's a demonstration of weakness, and women can smell that bullshit a mile away. That may be why you anticipate negative responses from them.

Most women don't seem to want spineless "yes men" who parrot such sentiments. Cut it out, guys. You don't mean it.

"Superiority" is not a word or concept that belongs in any conversation comparing or contrasting women and men.

I am not being a radical leftist feminist about this. I am all about men's rights.

Yet, the reality is: women only need a few men to perpetuate the species. That makes them superior by default.

@Jacar, your definition of "superior" is clearly skewed. Enough with the virtue signalling, already.

@Shawno1972 I am NOT a feminist in the current sense. Too much total absurdity.
I recognize the reality of biology. The race can survive with 1/20 the current number of men.
And i am way against the equality-of-outcome insanity sweeping the planet.

@Jacar Good, I agree with you whole-heartedly on those points. But even at a ratio of 10,000 to 1 women to men, it does not make men unnecessary. So please ditch this "superiority" nonsense. Words like that drive lines between sexes where no lines need exist. I don't think you really mean it deep down. And even if you do believe it, trust me when I say it sounds like something a sycophant milquetoast would utter to score brownie points with the ladies. I will presume for the moment that's not what you really intend.


I tend to agree. Men have failed. I think that women should run all of government and especially the Pentagon. No smart woman could have been fooled into invading Iraq. Men, more often than not, think with their dicks.


I have long been in favour of a cull of men. Far too many of them in the world, making a mess of things.We'll just keep a few for recreational and procreational purposes. A small committee of us will decide who stays.

You and me and my wonderful wife.

I don't disagree. Men have done (and are still doing) things that are unthinkable violations of human rights. Example: If you are a woman, don't go to Dubai or many other countries in the Middle East. If you are raped and report it...guess what? You will be arrested for being the victim. Men have treated women like domesticated animals...scratch that, you are treated WORSE. Of course, what is behind all of this craziness is good ole RELIGION, controlled by men.




Enjoyed reading a lot of Heinlein's SciFi books , although I don't remember that particular comment . Studies have routinely shown , woman , receive less money for doing the same work the men are doing , put in a full day at work , come home to do nearly all of the house work and care for the family , while many men become couch potatoes , for which we receive no recognition or respect . Guess what ? We don't need you any more !

Yes studies have shown that. And it is despicable. But that is not the whole picture.

@Jacar Complete the picture , please .


Women can never be equal to men !   Full stop !

What the hell has water situation got to do with womens equality ?? Please explain !

You got that the wrong way around, VAL3941
Men can never be equal to women.

Stop that

I bow down to your superior knowledge ?

Stop what ? We are having fun ! Want to join us ? You are welcome to ! You are sweet, you know that ?

@VAL3941 whatever turns you on.

Only a beautful woman can turn me on ?

@VAL3941 Hmmm not always!

Don't argue woman, Yes always ! Lol


Men and women each have their own strengths and weaknesses. We are meant to work together to enhance each others strengths and shore up each others weaknesses. Neither sex is superior nor inferior to the other.

a voice of reason - totally agree

Nice manly perspective.

It we assume that "meant to" is shorthand for "evolved to be this way" rather than "intended by a sapient creator," sure, that sounds about right to me 😛

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