I think the long high dark recess on the top left looks like the mouth a little .. but on the whole no, it looks no way alike
Well, I don't know what I was smoking... actually nothing since I can still see it. I guess my perspective is skewed. Lol
Not really
You are right there in with the majority. Lol ?
Ummmmmm...maybe......ahh ummmm....no.
I know I know... lol
@BeeHappy you know I want to believe....but I just can't.
@patchoullijulie Thanks, good thing I appreciate truth over pandoring. ?
@BeeHappy Well, you know..... I am the unofficial truth police. It is a dirty job, but someone has to do it!
I can't really make out the Scream face..but when I turned the photo on its side.. I could just make out the Face of jesus christ.
Thanks, I knew I could count on you!
@BeeHappy wow excellent..are you running for election or something? Ha ha.
It sounds like a great little adventure..I envy you..I would kill to have a couple of months of me time....I have not had one single 48 hour period of me time in 13 years that I can recall...
Sounds selfish..but I've forgotten what freedom smells like. Don't get me wrong love my family to bits etc but it's probably not healthy not to have at least some down time. Look at me waffling On! Enjoy Dallas!
The hallucinogenics are strong in this one.
In a way it does. Wish I could find the photo of the "man tree" that I took about 25 years ago. I often would just drive by it and think "Pagen ritual....make that thing come alive"
That would be nice to see. Apparently I'm seeing more into this tree than anyone else. Lol
@BeeHappy perhaps you are more in touch with nature than others? I really enjoy seeing things in their "otherness"
@AmelieMatisse thanks!
you have a powerful imagination BeeHappy. I can see eyes in it but not that horrible, wretched scream.
I guess so. Lol
Slightly, except the tree is beautiful and the Scream franchise is capitalism's ugly glamourisation and commercialisation of violence.
That is a scotch thistle, Do not let it seed it is a noxious weed. Dig it out and burn it. Farmers will love you.
Perhaps in Australia but it's the national flower of Scotland.
@BeeHappy thistles are amazing and globe artichokes are even cooler
@LeighShelton I agree!