Why do people harass others with something they know seriously bothers them? Like it is such a shitty thing to do, torture someone with something that traumatized them. I mean I get teasing people because they dislike the word moist or something but like if someone says they have a legitimate phobia of something you shouldn't swarm them with it.
I have one of the worst cases of trypophobia ever and people constantly send me horrific pictures and I puke and I get nightmares. It isn't funny. At all. It's inhumane. I don't follow you around with pictures of commitment or clowns. geeze it makes me violently angry.
/end rant
I had to look up the meaning. Wow the pics that came up where horrifying. Sometimes people are dicks.
Is it on this site or life in general?
Life in general
@LadyAlyxandrea. Sorry to hear about this. Depression has always been my problem. Mainly because i had to study so hard to get anywhere. Im one of those that can't remember shit and my mind wonders off in la la land. Alcohol seem to be the remedy untill i got hook on it. I don't have that problem anymore. Im off the drugs too. I would love a hit of weed but its still against the law here.
Loose those people that put you down. Its called detachment. Get some new friends and keep you problems to yourself. Some people like to find others that put thier issues out there for others ti see. Does that help?
I had to look up trypphobia. Really?!
Well, I had to look that one up.
But, yeah, you're right... if someone knows of your reaction to that kind of stimulus.... it would seem humane to help you avoid it. Maybe you need to edit your "Friend" list.