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So if Mueller says he won’t indict a sitting president does that mean he can indict him after he’s impeached and resigns?

Norie 5 May 17

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When ever is good for me.


Historically, once they are no longer president, its all considered water under the bridge. Everybody moves on.

Nooooo!! What about all the emolument violations?? (Thanks Trump for teaching me that word!) It seems like there’s tons of them!

Nooooo!! What about all the emolument violations?? (Thanks Trump for teaching me that word!) It seems like there’s tons of them!

Nooooo!! What about all the emolument violations?? (Thanks Trump for teaching me that word!) It seems like there’s tons of them!

Oops. Don’t touch more than once!

@Norie : I agree. But if we ever go back to indictments or legal prosecutions, I want GW Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld prosecuted for torturing suspects and indefinitely detaining prisoners!

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