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This is my second try with this site and as previously experienced, not a single person has shown me favor. Even the those who I have favorites because we obviously share a great deal in common never reciprocated in any form, this leading to my withdrawal of favoring them. I did so not out of petulantcy but to remove an unhappy reminder.

Muiren 4 May 17

Enjoy being online again!

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I think I would enjoy meeting you and flying kites but it's a long drive. Maybe putting a space between each paragraph would help with the "wall of text" vibe

Lauxa Level 5 May 18, 2018

The formatting is an software problem. I save with spacing and it publishes it without regardless. Why my spacing works here but not in the profile is a curiosity. Mostly curious that the WebDev for this site hasn't noticed the issue or doesn't consider it important.

As for flying together . . . flying by itself would never hold my attention. Everything in life to me is an experiment, a creative act. If there is nothing to learn by the experience, for me it has little meaning.

As I repeatedly assert, I'm looking for a creative partnership. Such meeting of minds can benefit from but do not require a physical presence to be consummated.

Have you discovered an interest in Asian kites, history and culture surrounding their development. From the Indian subcontinent to Japan these aircraft of paper, bamboo, and twine range from barely the size of a postage stamp to titanic works of art requiring over a dozen men to prevent their flying off into a neighboring prefecture. Truly breathtaking to see.

National Geographic Explorer episode about battling kites in Shirone, Japan. Rokkaku kites and Shirone O'Dako [Edo] kites are shown

Kites in Chinese folklore

More on Chinese kites

Surabaya, Indonesia

Coloured Skies: Indian Kite Combat Festival Documentary

Dhaka Festival of Kites

Last, but not least . . . The Berkeley Kite Festival 20

Having said this my current obsession is founding of my Pro-Maker Cooperative. I need a partner in this and far from attracting possible like minds, I receive unsolicited insults on a near daily basis by Euro-Americans who suggest in various ways they are skeptical I could possibly have the intellectual capacity to comprehend the goals I've set before myself. Questions range from do I know what a thought experiment is to they doubt I understand high fashion or the qualifications for acceptance as a haute couture design house.


Since I'm a Systems Analyst of over 35 years forgive me if I ask, could you explain with specificity how you tested your assumption my profile is cluttered?

I'm autistic and most people with even a perfunctory knowledge know, people like myself typically have what appear to be obsessions, not hobbies. Having said that, and relating this to my first point, I made crystal clear what my values and interests are at the beginning of my profile. A list punctuated with emojis for each listing.

My profile goes on to carefully state in clear and unambigous terms what I am doing in life and what I am specifically looking for in a partner, the factors that are non-negotiable. I have been studying, designing and flying Asian kites since the age of 9 and at 61 have never had a single friend who didn't think kite flying boring as well as expressing they thought is an odd thing for an adult to spend their time doing. I could have added this factoid to my profile, however I chose to keep the focus as stated, on my prerequisites and save activities like building and flying kites as topics of conversation when we meet.

My background, kite flying included are matters of trust building and true intimacy. In addition to the other attributes that sailed over your head, I'm Transgender so basic reason should tell a thoughtful person my history is a sensitive issue.

Finally, not everyone believes in the ritual of dating. I experimented with dating a few times as both teen and adult and frankly view it an archaic practice that objectively does little to lay the groundwork for developing a creative partnership.

I repeat, "Creative Partnership", the primary theme of my profile. Each of your critiques speakers more to your implicit assumptions than to any inherent flaw in my presentation.

As with most people, you are only empathetic with people you imagine despite copious evidence to the contrary, like yourselves.

You didn't ask questions because not a one of you tested you assumptions about me.

I am nothing even remotely like any of you.

If you believe that you "are nothing even remotely like" any of us, why do you think you might find a partner on this site? Why do you want to be "favored" (favorited?) by people who you apparently find disfavorable? I'm seeing in your response above an unwillingness to consider advice or change your profile.

Unfortunately, everyone on this site has limits, both on their time and on their attention span. The more detail you provide initially, the more likely someone is to pass you over in favor of a different profile that is easier to read and understand. That's not fair, but it is how things work.

This isn't the only dating website in the universe. If you are not happy with your results here, look for some other site that offers you more compatible potential partners. But don't blame the people on THIS website because we have not recognized how wonderful you are. You have not, as far as I can tell, recognized how wonderful many of the people on this site are, either.


I suggest you declutter and simplify your profile, leaving enough details that potential dates can evaluate your compatibility. Right now, it's a wall of words, which might make people move on.

Suggestions: list hobbies, dating preferences, and interests, and enough background to inform potential dates.

Then make comments and write posts and interact with people who respond to you.


"Shows .. favour?" Do you mean a ''welcome'' post? Or comments to a post you've made? This is a big site and, as it is in most of life, we usually have to be the first to begin a discussion.


How do you know if someone shows favour? I have been on the site a while, but don't look at anything except new posts. There are so many these days.

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