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This little bird was chilling out next to a bike rack for a looong time. I thought maybe he is too tired to fly, so got some water and made a puddle in front of it. The bird got startled but didn't really move. Now, I was concerned and went back to my office and got a a granola bar. Crushed it and sprinkled out in front of the bird and suddenly it flies away! Was it sleeping with its eyes open, on a bright sunny day? The whole thing went on for more than 10 minutes. Little dude trolled me very good! Any ornithologist here who might be able to explain this odd behavior? "FEATHERED FRIENDS"

Spongebob 7 May 17

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Wrong brand of granola? 🙂


He was just minding his own business, dreaming the day away, and along came you......


You may have scared it enough that it gathered all its strength to fly away. (But thanks for caring about many people would have left it there....or, worse yet, STOMPED on it!)

I was surprised it didn't fly away earlier! This bird has made me doubt my scariness 🙂

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