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Let your members of Congress know your thoughts regarding school shootings (or anything, really).

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It won't stop the shootings, but it's more than nothing (aka thoughts and prayers)

Kbdank71 7 May 18

Enjoy being online again!

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Nothing will ever stop people from breaking laws- that is a tough part of freedom. You can choose to break the law. Including those that exist to supposedly protect you- your ever popular, 'Gun free' zones, etc. For example of the strictest gun 'control laws' look no further than Chicago or DC or Detroit. They work great don't they? In reality it's the PERSON committing the crime- not the weapon used, (this should be pretty self evident, but apparently not). That being the case perhaps one should look at how these criminals were stopped... Hint: good guy or gal using the 'dreaded, hated, feared' gun...or firearm in a lawful and responsible way. And if you so choose to disarm yourself or not possess a firearm, that IS your right. However, because you're angry, upset or fearful- that does not give anyone the right to cause a law abiding citizen to have to disarm themselves and be left defenseless. We could just stop everyone from going to a movie theatres/ concerts because someone MIGHT yell Fire! and cause others to be killed in a mad rush to escape, but do we? Freedom is tough like that. And no matter how right you think you are, how "justified", upset or just ignorant of how life and reality operate, you will NEVER take My right to defend myself, my family and friends... And possibly YOU as well without taking my life. And that is a fight I will give my all for.

@Kbdank71 so because he has an opinion you don't agree with he is triggered? that doesn't make any sense at all. in fact, sounds like you are attacking him just because he has one you don't agree with...smfh

@Kbdank71 not triggered, merely passionate. Trust me, if I had been . "triggered" there would be no question. I'm a pretty straight to the point kinda guy.

@Kbdank71 sounds factual to me, not angry and some folk are long winded. but i get that these days ppl want a short and quick way out to say something without putting much thought process into what they are saying. just like anything else, faster/quicker doesn't always mean better.

@blueskies so I should sum it up briefly and concisely? Sorry bout the previous novel... I don't get out enough....🙂

@Kbdank71 Meeeh... Project much? I didn't see anything angry about his response either. But you obviously got butt hurt over his pro-gun response. Keep in mind that 'resist' service works for all sides of an issue.

@DadOutlaw no sir, please don't change. you say what you wish and how you wish. in fact, i rather enjoy reading them. you make lots of sense to me and i've always liked reading. i was just trying to say that ppl nowadays are always trying to take the fast approach to so many things and i really wish it wasn't that way. and i get being passionate, i have no fault with that.


They are NRA shills, on the payroll.

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