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Saw this little guy down in the riverbed this morning (but he was too fast for me to catch)...hard to tell from the pics, but he was only about an inch long. It's a mini-me of the adult frog from earlier! So cute!?

Free_2B_Me 7 May 18

Enjoy being online again!

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My daughter's Tadpol's legs have just started to develop. She is so excited.

I haven't looked it long did it take?

@Free_2B_Me. I would have to as Ava but her friend dropped the bucket of tadpoles into the house last week, I don't know how long her friend Shuin had them for before that, but she declared with joy this morning that they have legs!! She loves nature in every way.

@Hitchens l was the same way as a kid and never out grew it! It's the absolute best!

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