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The possibilities arising from this development can be both wonderful or crippling for humanity. What use would you make of it?
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FrayedBear 9 May 18

Enjoy being online again!

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I was never known for thinking conventionally. The commercial potential of this makes me believe that at last there may be a serious rival to BOB's strangle-hold as the most popular sex-toy in the world.
Imagine a device that at the flick of a switch could lead to a wave of multiple orgasms washing over you, male or female. You and your partner could lie abed, reveling in multiple in, mutual orgasms, without ever having to expend energy!
It would help to lower the birth rate to he undesirable side effects of achieving mutual orgasms by conventional means, and would make it harder for TV stations to influence the masses as their audiences dwindled. People would also prefer to remain at home, thus reducing man's carbon footprint.
Wow! A device to lessen the environmental burden on the earth, but with great commercial prospects. Quick, Let's all buy shares!!

That's funny.
We can imagine the human race dying out, as well, except for diehard holdouts of anti-tech religious camps, like the Pennsylvania Dutch...
((No tea yet, my words aren't working correctly)
Oh to have a time viewer and see all the interesting things to come!

It already exists - the tens machine.

@FrayedBear You pervert, you!! 😉

@Petter Nah, just believe in cutting to the chase if need be.


To me, yes this is potentially great in, as yet, unimaginable ways.
But, yeah, there will nefarious groups wanting to create blindly obedient soldiers, civilians, et al...
The old quote of "eternal vigilance holds true now, more than ever before.
.. As to what I'd do w it...?
I want to live in Marrowind, some of the time. ( you'll have to pull me out, kicking and screaming!)


"Morrowind", sorry it was misspelled.
Yeah, look up that and "elder scrolls". My descriptions can't do them justice

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