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Why do you think several cultures around the world independently became fixated or valued female 'purity' and virginity?

Catnublia 6 May 19

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In times past many women died in childbirth, many others could no longer have children. I think this may be part of it.


I rate experience over innocence.


I think it is a mater of a patriarchal culture wanting to insure who the father of a child is. Or, in other words male insecurity and selfishness.

Some cultures got beyond that and just loved a child no matter who the father was.

There is an evolutionary basis. A man who ensures his genes are passed on will out compete a cuckold.


Because sluts spreaded venereal diseases. You asked.... my take.

And that’s a females responsibility to regulate why? The men who are being equally promiscuous have no part in spreading them? Or we’re just so childlike that we can’t be expected to resist any temptation offered to us by women so it’s obviously the lady’s job to be the adult and make sure things are safe? I feel so helpless in this new world where I have no responsibility and nothings my fault. Bring back the patriarchy so I can matter! ?


Not sure what the big deal with purity and virginity is.

I personally have no interest in establishing sexual relationships with women who are "saving themselves for marriage." All this tells me is that they likely possess a very low sex drive.

What is there to make me believe that they're suddenly going to want to have sex at least a couple of times a week just because I put a ring on their finger?

As far as I'm concerned, men who are looking for virgins better get really good at self gratification, because they'll likely spend a whole lot of wasted time and energy begging and groveling for every rare sexual encounter that their partner grants them.


The neolithic revolution. When we were hunter gatherers we were basically living in the garden of eden, no shame or possessiveness over each other’s nakedness. Tribes were often matriarchal teams where nobody knew whose kid was whose and everyone just took care of each other and raised kids as a village. Once agriculture and math came into play and people started keeping score, creating property lines and claiming resources for themselves they wanted to be much more certain that the kids were theirs to pass their legacy of wealth down to. There’s a lot of good evidence saying monogamy isn’t natural at all, in our natural state we’d be practicing free love and not giving a fuck. Er, giving ALL the fucks, if you want to look at it literally. Sadly I think monogamy is so ingrained in some of us culturally by now that it’s hard to escape the idea and go back to sharing physical love with everyone, even if you’d intellectually want to.

Hear, hear !!!

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