Not sure if I belong here. I do believe in some sort of creator. But have a real problem with the concept of Jesus or any other diety having a personal interest in individuals
I don't see why you wouldn't belong here. This is, not, though some hard atheists may show intolerance. Actually, a lot of people believe in "some sort of" a creative force or intelligence but not a personal God. You either have to believe that the elementary stuff of the Universe has somehow existed forever without being able to explain how, or you have to believe that there was some sort of creative force behind the stuff of the Universe without being able to explain what. In fact, in my experience, at some point arguing about those two options starts to seems like a distinction without much of a difference.
You might be some version of agnostic, but dunno.
I believe in "Higher Self," or "Source energy," etc., which might seen as a "diety" to some, but is considered to be part of the connected, intelligent, collective energy of the universe, and doesn't require anything of anyone, etc.
Well it's an agnostic site, you sound agnostic. Good luck in your journey man