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After decades I returned to my home town and an old friend reminded me that as teenagers we used to sing the following words to "The Old Rugged Cross" tune:

On a hill far away sat an old Chevrolet
With no fenders, no seat, no floorboard.
Got no gas in its tank and the darn thing won't crank,
Some day I'll exchange for a Ford.
So I'm tired of my old Chevrolet;
I'm disheartened, disgusted and bored.
I'll rejoice as they tow it away
When I exchange it one day for a Ford.

Wallace 7 May 19

Enjoy being online again!

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LMAO, love it..


I like it! It's the kind of stuff I used to do....Hey! Still do!


Now that kind of "religious song" I don't mind, LOL!

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