Deadpool 2.
I am very wary about sequels, but this one really works. I'm going back to watch it a second time.
Any other Deadpool fans out there?
I loved the first one it's so silly.\
"Maximum effort" is part of vocabulary now.
seeing it at the end of the week here, the 1st was brilliant.
I want to hear your views.
Saw it Thursday night, I think it's better than the first imho
Yes; a deeper film, I thought.
seen it twice so far also. darn good. for a trainee.
You know I am! I can’t wait to see it with you. Oh, about 548 times. ??
CM1965, it's a date!
@Palindromeman sounds like a lifetime with that many viewings.
@CM1965 Our lifetime together.
I'll watch it when it gets to Netflix. Not worth paying for movie tickets, for now.
You bet. So, is 2 as good as the original?
A good question.
In entertainment terms, yes.
In story telling terms, hells yes. D 2 is not a factory manufactured, money making exercise. It is a deeper story than D 1. I really respect that.
Yes, we have tickets to see it tomorrow.
Let me know what you think. I reckon you will like it a lot.