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Here is a question that could be taken very quickly to a really dark place; so, outside of MURDER, what do we do to change the evangelical domination of the conversations going on across the US?

DerekD 7 May 20

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Murder is not a sin in any religion, IT is OK to kill in time of war, in time of threat and in time of justice, See the religious can rationalize anything they wish to as long as they believe it.
Evangelicals are just stupid is all. They believe in witchcraft in a time of technology. They believe is sin and hate and prejudice and eternal punishment,

EMC2 Level 8 May 20, 2018


Varn Level 8 May 20, 2018

I've had several atheists harshly criticize this, but I think a week or so study of all the major religions would have a good impact.

Not only would we stop confusing Sikhs with Muslims, but I'm betting kids would ask uncomfortable questions after some exposure to so many ONE TRUE GODS

I disagree. Raised, and for several years Homeschooled my kids, the concept of religion was discussed and described frequently - with this having been their base learning tool: [] (hope that appears, we very much need a preview)

‘Teaching’ about specific religions (while ignoring thousands more) give unwarranted credence, and worse, fills valuable brain space with bullshit.. Adults, my ‘kids’ fly through reality and sore over religion. The world must convince them of it’s validity or relevance, if not, allow them to pursue life free of it..

[edited, yet again.. to remove garbled text due to basic punctuation]

@Varn I'm not saying teach each as having some validity. Ignorance on is enormous in the USA and just a brief overview of world beliefs would help that.

I mentioned Sikh specifically bc I've known several Sikhs who get confused then lambasted by idiots as Muslims.

Of course I'd prefer your atheist primer, but that'll never fly in the USA.

I'm also not dedicated to this, but I do think it would help

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